Shanique Rowe-McKen

Shanique obtained her Bachelor of Laws from the University of the West Indies with honours. Later, she gained her Legal Education Certificate from the Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica. During that tenure, she received The Hon. Miss Justice Madge Morgan Memorial Prize for outstanding performance in Trial Advocacy.

Shanique began her career in law as a legal intern while pursuing her studies and is now an associate with a proven track record.
Her areas of specialization are — Conveyancing, Estate Administration, Family Law and Company Law.

She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Nazarene Learning Centre and is a junior executive at the Nazarene Church of God of Jamaica, Norris. In addition, Shanique is a member of the Caribbean Regional Youth Council – a member of the Legal Task Force, and a former National Youth Parliament of Jamaica member (2019/20 cohort).

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